Learn how RedKix “collabor-awesom-izes” your email and makes it instant and easy to work with anyone, regardless of whether or not they’re a RedKix user or from a different company, and painless to collaborate on anything — through email!

The Videos

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The Rundown

Sign In

With RedKix, you don't need to create a whole new account or start from scratch. You can sign in with Exchange, Office 365, or Google Apps by entering your existing business email address and password.


You can use RedKix on Windows, Mac, iPhone, and Android.


The first thing you’ll notice when you get into RedKix is that all your email threads are transformed into beautiful chat-like conversations. No more messy quote chains, hooray!


When you’re in a conversation with another RedKix user, you’ll see typing notifications (in real-time!!) when the other person is responding.

To add someone to the conversation, simply click the “+” icon next to the names of the current participants.

Then enter in their email, hit add, and voila! They’ll join and see the full conversation with no disruption or reply-all confusion.

If you’d like to go the old-school route and reply one, reply all, or forward instead, you can do that by clicking on the (…)s.


We know that all contacts were not created equal, so we’ve added a nifty People section. When you first sign into RedKix, you’ll see the contacts you’ve recently emailed most frequently. Your “favorites” list, if you will.

To change who’s pinned here, you can un-star…

Or search for other contacts to star.

What’s particularly awesome about the People section, is that when you click on someone, you’ll see all your past and present conversations with them in one place!


One of our favorite features!

1:1 chat lets you have quick, subjectless conversations with anyone. It’s through email so if they’re not on RedKix, no problem. But if they are — real-time messaging baby!


Distribution lists suck for any sort of real communication or collaboration, so we’ve taken the liberty of turning them into groups.

What does this mean you ask? It means that we’ve grouped all emails sent to a particular distribution list into one organized place. So that when you want to share information or get feedback from a group, you can do so in a way that creates a shared knowledge base for everyone on the distribution list.


To set your avatar, personalize your signature, customize notifications, or log out, go to “Settings”…


Quick Send: To send a message without pressing “Send,” hold down the Command / Control key and hit Enter.

Group Compose: To send a message to a Group without typing the distribution list email address, click into the group and then create a new email from there.


Sharing is caring, and RedKix is best with company anyways. If you’d like to invite your co-workers, forward them your “Request has been approved” email so they can skip the waitlist.


We're not just another email or messaging app. We've built a full email solution that brings order to the chaos of communication in the workplace. RedKix runs on top of your existing work email account (Exchange / Office 365 / Google Apps), and lets you work with literally anyone.

We're not trying to replace or change email; we're fixing it by incorporating the modern features you love from apps like iMessage and Slack to optimize email for:

  • Real-time communication
  • Group collaboration
  • Personal productivity

Because RedKix eliminates the friction from team collaboration.

You can use RedKix with everyone - it doesn't matter if they’re on RedKix or not (though you'll benefit from cool real-time, chat and group features if they are). Get your co-workers starting by sending them to www.redkix.com.

Yes. We run under HTTPS, use SSL for data transfer, and are hosted in the Amazon Web Services data center (meaning we benefit from all of their security certifications). Full details can be found here.

Double check that you're correctly entering your existing business email address and password - what you use to access Microsoft Outlook (i.e. Exchange / Office 365) or Google Apps.

If we're unable to auto-discover your account with just that information, you'll be asked to enter your company's Server and your Username.

If you have your business email set up on your iPhone or Android, you can grab the Server and Username info from those settings. Otherwise, ask your IT department.

  • iPhone: Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Select your business email > Account
  • Android: Open mail client > Settings > Select your business email account > Incoming Settings

NOTE: If you don't have your work email set up on your smart phone and signing in online at home requires VPN, it's likely that your company's firewall is blocking RedKix.

Additional questions or issues? Contact Support.

Beta means that the product is not yet complete. As a beta user, you're getting an early look at what's in the process of being developed. There are still many features to be added, bugs to be squashed and roadmap elements to be refined. The most important thing to us is learning what you like, don't like, and would want to be part of a later version of RedKix.

At the end of the day, they’re both emails.

If both parties are on RedKix, chats are real-time, subjectless emails. They are something you can quickly and easily pull up whenever you want to communicate with someone.

If only one of you is on RedKix, the other will simply get an email with the subject “[your name] & [their name] Chat.”

That is the plan, yes. Stay tuned because we’re working on it!

They see the entire history. The idea is for a seamless transfer of knowledge. We want everyone to have the full context so you’re all on the same page.

You can edit who you see in the People section by starring/un-starring contacts. This will eventually be the case for Groups as well, but right now we show you ALL groups (distribution lists) you are part of.

Yes. When you compose a new email, the option will be to the right of the “To” field. If you’d like to CC or BBC someone on an existing email, click the (…)s to the right of the time stamp on the latest message and hit “Reply one” or “Forward.”

The short answer: no.

We believe that allowing others to see when you’ve actively engaged in a conversation is important, so we haven’t designed this feature to be optional. Also keep in mind that only other RedKix users will see typing notifications.

Our focus is on making email for work awesome, so there are no plans to support personal email accounts just yet.

RedKix will be free for all end-users. In the future, RedKix will offer an “Enterprise” plan for companies looking for additional security and data management features.

If you’re sure you want to leave us, please email your request to RedKix Support.