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What will the next Slack be?

Slack’s incredible success building a better, modern messaging app for teams has been all the buzz in Silicon Valley over the past year. This is one of the few enterprise communication/collaboration products to really take off, bottom-up through word of mouth, and be truly loved by users.
But it’s still anyone’s game.

There’ve been, and continue to be, a lot of players in this space because there are still unsolved problems, as well as new pain points continually being created by new technologies. To illustrate, let’s SWOT the the communication/collaboration market…

As you can see, no one has “won” yet and I hope, for innovation’s sake, no one ever permanently will. So the question I’ll leave you with is this:
What will the next Slack be?

Will it enable the ideal workflow (does that even exist)? Will it simply be open and flexible enough to let you do things your way? Will A.I. be the only thing that gets us to a solution? Let’s talk about it!